Welcome to Mod Bodywork

All bodies welcome in this space.

1200 W 11th St.

Suite 231

Traverse City, MI 49686


Meet the owner

Welcome! I’m Kelsey Collins, the owner and sole practitioner at Mod Bodywork in Traverse City. I’ve been practicing massage and bodywork since graduating from the Mind Body Institute in 2017.

My work focuses on finding alignment and restoring balance. This work is collaborative, and meets you where you are each time you come in. I’ve found that the most productive work is not attained through passivity of the recipient, but through a shared meditation/dialogue between practitioner and body. While my work is typically deep, I also honor that no true healing can be achieved through force. Bodywork should always be a negotiation between therapist and muscle tissue.

I am a constant student, and my work combines many different modalities including neuromuscular techniques, myo-fascial work, lymphatic drainage, facilitated stretching, and other therapeutic modalities. Additionally, I offer pre/postnatal massage work and oncology massage.

All products used are organic and/or locally sourced.